Binder Types are another independent binder settings that can be used in any of your account’s binders, regardless of any dependent settings applied.
While the Binder Types setting is optional, it is another primary category against which binder content can be indexed and retrieved. It is the one of the most flexible binder settings that can be based on specific needs.
Examples of Binder Types include:
- As-Built documentation including drawings
- Operations and Maintenance (O&M) manuals and documentation
- Record Drawings
- Submittals
- Test Results
- Policies and Procedures
- Insurance
- Asbestos Abatement/Remediation
- Other required local, state or federal documentation
Remember that the Tabs setup within each binder can be used to further categorize content.
Adding a Binder Type
While logged into your ML Binders™ Software account as an Admin:
1. Select Settings Binders Binder Types from the left side menu. The Manage Binder Types screen will be displayed with no entries.
2. Select the Add icon () at the upper right of the screen to display the Add/Edit Binder Types screen.
3. Enter a name in the Binder Type field and select the Save button. The Manage Binder Types screen will be displayed showing the new entry.
4. Repeat steps 2 – 3 for each Binder Type desired.
5. Perform the Manage Campus/Locations procedure after one or more Binder Types have been entered.
Edit a System name
Select the Edit icon () next to theBinder Types name to be edited. Perform step 3 above.
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