Floors are independent binder settings that can be used in any of your account’s binders, regardless of any dependent settings applied.
Best Practice: Enter the lowest and highest floors (plus the floors in between) of all the buildings on a campus or location.
For example, a campus has 6 Buildings that range from 1 – 6 floors and (2) basement levels. The following Floors would be entered: BB, B, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. These Floors would then be available as a filterable category for any binder relating to this Campus.
Adding a Floor
While logged into your ML Binders™ Software account as an Admin:
1. Select Settings Buildings Floors from the left side menu. The Manage Floor screen will be displayed with no entries.
2. Select the Add iconat the upper right of the screen to display the Add/Edit Floors screen.
ML Binders™ Software Add/Edit Floors scree
3. Enter a Floor designation in the Floor field and select the Save button. The Manage Floors screen will be displayed showing the new entry.
4. Repeat steps 2 – 3 for each Floor desired.
5. Perform the Manage Systems procedure after all Floors have been entered.
Edit a Floor
Select the Edit iconnext to the Floor name to be edited. Perform steps 3 – 4 above.
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